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Looks, performance, or health?

Looks, performance, or health? Everyone who looks or appear to look healthy, may not be as in good shape as they appear or can't perform like their appearance. The appearance of looking like someone who can perform or in good shape, can be just only that, a appearance. Many top level athletes from bodybuilder to collegiate athletes, use very unhealthy methods to produce their look and to enhance their ability to perform. 99% of pro not natural bodybuilder use drugs. 60% of pro natural bodybuilders use drugs or try to cheat. 80% of professional football players probably use some type of enhancement drugs. 60% of collegiate athletes probably tried or are currently using some type of enhancement drug. Most of the pictures you see in the magazines are either Photoshop, or the person use some type of drugs to get into that type of shape. The point that I am trying to make is, don't beat yourself over the head trying to look like someone else, because you do not really truly ever know what someone else is doing. Real talk! I am lifetime natural, from the cradle to the grave.L.G.Fitness-Messiah.‪#‎GODbuiltTHIS‬ ‪#‎faith‬ ‪#‎lgfitnessmessiah‬

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