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How to measure progress in our weight loss or lifestyle change program.

How to measure progress in our weight loss or lifestyle change program.

We see ourselves daily, so that makes it hard to see the little changes. Most people us the scale to track what they think is progress. The problem with using The scale is that your body weight can go up and down 5 to 15 pounds in a day, from water weight and intestinal bile.

Tips and info on how to truly measure your progress.

1. Feeling: how are you feeling? Do you have more energy, which is a sign of better conditioning.

2. Measure % bodyfat: start your program with all your health info. Test your bodyfat % every four weeks.

3. How is your clothing fitting?: this is how your can evaluate inches in certain areas.

4. Others: others don't look at you everyday, so take notice to the comments of others.

5. The mirror: look at yourself. The best way to see where your going, is to take a real look at where you are.

6. The scale: use The scale every two weeks. This will give you a more accurate tell of weight gains and losses.

Knowledge is power, even over your own insecurities.L.G.Fitness-Messiah.

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