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Consider these eight technologies as “spokes” in a wheel.

Lamont Gilchrist Consider these eight technologies as “spokes” in a wheel. Not having one or two of these spokes will make for a wheel that will still run, but it will not be as sturdy. The more spokes you take out, the less efficient and safe the wheel becomes. Likewise, the fewer technologies you use the less efficient your training will be. Heavy Resistance Training: Dumbbells, barbells, fluids, pressurized air, elastic devices, springs and a host of devices designed to provide “heavy” external resistance to one’s musculoskeletal effort all constitute “resistance training.” Tradition has it that exercises designed to be performed with dumbbells and barbells (and the technologies designed to simulate traditional dumbbell and barbell movements) constitute “weight training.” The existing categories of weight training technologies are: 1) constant resistance. 2) variable resistance. 3) accommodating resistance. 4) static resistance. Light Resistance Training: Running, swimming, calisthenics, aerobic dance, plyometrics and many more are all special forms of light resistance training. Cycling, rowing, stair climbers and similar forms of training that utilize light external resistance. Psychological Techniques: Self-hypnosis, mental imagery training, transcendental meditation and a lot of other “mind exercises” can help improve strength output capabilities in sports and training. Therapeutic Modalities: Whirlpools, electrical muscle stimulation, massage, ultrasound, music, intense light and a host of other therapies can have a very positive effect on strength training efforts, both indirectly (how quickly you can recover from your previous workout), and directly (greater force output). Medical Support: Periodic checkups, exercising preventive care, chiropractic adjustments, and even clinical use of prescription drugs are sometimes recommended for those in heavy training when medical problems arise. Only qualified sports medicine specialists are able to prescribe such support. Biomechanics (Skill Training): Performing your skill perfectly will almost always result in greater force being applied, whether it is applied to an object, opponent or the ground. Good skills execution involves the efficient sequencing of activation of prime mover, stabilizer and synergistic muscles. Sequencing efforts involve factors of position, direction, timing, rate, speed and effect of force application or applied. Dietary Manipulation: You do not eat only to stay alive and healthy, you eat to excel at your sport or fitness activity. Eating is designed to assist in achieving specific sports and training objectives. There are many nutritional techniques that will ensure greater force output capabilities both immediately as well as over time. Despite your most dedicated efforts, however, you will not be able to gain ample nutritional support from food alone, a point that has been supported time and time again in sports nutrition research. Nutritional Supplementation: Most often, eating is not sufficient to give you all the nutrients you need in order to achieve your sports and training objectives. This point is widely disputed among sports scientists and nutritionists alike, who would have us believe that eating “three square meals” per day is ample for training. They overlook at least three important points: 1) Many supplements are designed to take your body beyond normal biochemical functioning, 2) No one on earth consistently eats “square meals,” and 3) Myriad research reports clearly show that deficiencies most often exist in people diets. Matching Training Technologies to Fitness Objectives! In your quest for excellence, your job is always going to be to identify and apply those technologies that best augment each of the factors that effect fitness and arrange them into a coherent, integrated training program. That doesn’t mean you can’t make use of your knowledge in structuring your training, by avoiding less than sound practices or in some way manipulating them to your advantage. Learn to avoid costly mistake. Remember that there are only so many hours in the day, so you must choose the methods of training that will yield the greatest returns.L.G.Fitness-Messiah.

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