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How to stay the same weight!

How to stay the same weight! If you are an adult, this is however tall you’re going to get. None of us are growing any taller. There is only one direction we can grow and that is wider. Since most of us don’t really want to grow any wider that means we must breakdown molecules (metabolism) in our body or else we will get fat. Even a body builder that increases proteins in their body cells will never grow taller, but wider from muscle growth (a anabolic reaction), or fat storage (a anabolic reaction). If one wants to get thinner, one has to slow down the growth reaction. How? The types of foods one eat, and the timing of the foods. Fat and muscle are organic molecules formed from foods. Eating less can slows down and speed up the anabolic and catabolic reaction. Eating more can also slow down and speed up the anabolic and catabolic reaction. If you do things that require energy, such as exercise, that speeds up the breakdown of fats and carbs for energy and speeds up the catabolic reaction of those energy sources. If you want to lose body fat, eat the right foods at the right times and exercise. Exercise speeds up the catabolic and anabolic reactions. If we, as adults maintain a balance between anabolic and catabolic reactions, we stay the same weight.L.G.Fitness-Messiah. #ilivethis #lgfitnessmessiah

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