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Weight loss is typically pursued for two main reasons: health and vanity.

Weight loss is typically pursued for two main reasons: health and vanity. Those who approach weight loss for the purpose of health generally have a different track record of continuing the benefits in the long term than those who approach weight loss out of vanity alone. A study conducted at University of Michigan reports that, although focusing on health alone typically results in less overall weight loss than vanity, participants in the study who focused on health were able to keep the benefits of their fitness for several years afterward, while vain dieters were only able to maintain results for less than one year before regaining the lost weight plus more. Even worse for vain dieters, those who had dramatic weight loss were more likely to have health troubles in the long term.

So why should someone workout? On the surface, working out is shallow. A fitness lifestyle seems all about you and your goals. For some, it's about social media updates and workout selfies. If this is your motivating factor, then that LIKE is truly your reward.

So for what? Remove yourself from the equation and try staying motivated with thoughts of "I'm lifting for myself" to "I'm lifting to better provide for my family and live long enough to see my kids grow up and be healthy" or "I'm going to break this generational curse of unhealthy living".

The truth is that It still comes down to you busting your a$$. This subtle switch of perspective is all it takes to make the switch from being self-motivated, to being self-driven.L.G.Fitness-Messiah. ‪#‎ilivethis‬‪#‎personaltrainer‬ ‪#‎whydoIworkout‬ ‪#‎IloveMYfamilyANDself‬

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