We are not the same: The PMI evolution.
We are not the same: The PMI evolution. 19/21 African American were missing the PMI 3/23 European American were missing the PMI There...
Different protein needs, for different people.
Different populations and different body types need different amounts of protein. An extremely lean athlete, or dieting to achieve a very...
The truth about using supplements, and what are supplements?
The truth about using supplements, and what are supplements? Are there any risks in taking supplements? Many supplements contain active...
Here are 5 ways you can increase insulin sensitivity, without exercising, and make it easier to chan
Your insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism are directly correlated to your body composition. This can Impair your body’s ability to...
How do I start getting healthy on my own?
How do I start getting healthy on my own? Steps to health: when starting a new health and exercise routine, scheduling for the transition...
How to measure progress in our weight loss or lifestyle change program.
How to measure progress in our weight loss or lifestyle change program. We see ourselves daily, so that makes it hard to see the little...
How can one overtrain?
How can one overtrain? First of all, isn't the point of training to keep pushing yourself to be better and better until you achieve your...
You can not burn it off later.
It is not rational to think that you can eat whatever you want and go exercise it off later. Different types of foods cause different...
The best exercises to get you in shape with or without equipment (fast).
The best exercises to get you in shape with or without equipment (fast). Stair stepper machine or steps: The stair stepper has a number...
Why is your body not utilizing sugar well?
Why is your body not utilizing sugar well? Insulin is an important hormone that delivers glucose (sugar) to our cells. When a person is...