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Good and Bad is not that simple (Carbohdrates).

Good and Bad is not that simple (Carbohdrates).

Good carbs are complex carbohydrates, while bad carbs are simple carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates require time to break down or dissolve into glucose, and simple carbohydrates are added to foods during processing. Complex carbohydrates are foods high in fiber, simple carbohydrates are high in sugars and spike insulin levels.

Fast carbohydrates (bad carbs) are simple carbohydrates that are rapidly digested by the body and usually have little nutritional value. Slow carbohydrates (good carbs) have more complex structures, are usually high in fiber and nutritional content, and take longer for the body to digest.

Good carbs (foods that have little effect on insulin levels) are found in products or foods that include vegetables, whole grains, fruits, brown rice, whole grain barley, whole grain pasta, whole rye, beans, buckwheat, whole wheat and whole oats. Good carbs are foods that are beneficial to the health of the body and are high in vitamins, fiber and minerals. These foods produce a slow change in blood sugar levels, which place them lower on the glycemic index.

Bad carbs (foods that spike your isulin levels) rank higher on the glycemic index and are stripped of minerals, vitamins and fiber during the refining process. These types of carbs include refined grains such as muffins, white bread, hamburger buns, pizza crust and pretzels. A higher glycemic index supplies a large amount of calories and has a negative effect on the body’s blood sugar levels. Other types of bad carbs include baked goods, chips, high fructose corn syrup, cookies, pancakes, sodas and pastries. These foods have no nutritional value and are low in nutrient density.

Everything that I stated in the statements above is true about carbohydrates. The real truth about what makes a carbohydrate good or bad is you. If you understand your body and physical condition, you have a better chance of timing up your carbohydrate intake. There's really no such thing as a truly bad food, only bad choices and bad timing in eating particular foods.L.G.Fitness-Messiah. ‪#‎personaltrainer‬ ‪#‎besttrainer‬ ‪#‎knowyourscience‬‪#‎ilivethis‬ ‪#‎health‬ ‪#‎YHWHisKnowledge‬

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