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What am I burning when I excercise, Fat, Carbohydrates, or Muscle?

What am I burning when I excercise, Fat, Carbohydrates, or Muscle?

The biochemistry behind energy output is essentially very complicated and is often over simplified. The truth is, different parts of the body use different sources for energy. A good example is the brain, which can ONLY use glucose as the energy source.

Energy metabolism is not a very well understood system in the sense that while the biochemical reactions are well known, their variable depending on the individual. Most think that they have their own understanding of how their body work, without any sound reasoning behind it. I'll try to give some background information to the chemistry of it.

ATP molecule is carries three phosphate groups. By breaking the these bonds ( ATP into ADP + P) energy is released which is used in some other reaction in the body. When the body burns sugars, or anything else, it uses the energy to synthesize more ATP molecules, or to reverse the original reaction.

Lactic acid is produced from breaking sugars is dependent on the oxygen supply to the surrounding tissue, if you cannot supply the tissue with enough oxygen a less than optimal reaction will take place where lactic acid is produce. Lactic acid in the tissue will ultimately lead to "cramps" as your metabolism cannot keep up with the physical activity you put yourself through.

I don't believe that anyone can guarantee that you're burning only fat and no proteins during some training, especially considering that all these reactions I've described (and many more) have different rates on different individuals. Individuals with higher metabolic rates will end up breaking down muscle tissue through physical training instead of building muscle mass if you cannot keep up with the food intake. I suggest you look over your diet so that you can plan your training so that it matches with your own metabolic rate. Work smart not HARD.L.G.Fitness-Messiah. ‪#‎ilivethis‬ ‪#‎personaltrainer‬

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