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How to change your genetics!

How to change your genetics!

The tears of the micro filaments (actin, myosin) in a muscle cell that enable it to contract. The tears of these filaments prevent the function of that muscle cell. A large amount of micro tears in a large amount of muscle cells contributes to the soreness present during weight training during overload and explosive training, is what triggers the body into producing stronger muscles.

If a workout causes too few micro tears in the fibers, then little muscle growth will occur as a result because the body figures it doesn’t need to grow to deal again with such a minor stimulus. If a workout causes too many micro tears, then the body will fail to fully repair the muscles, and muscle growth will be stunted. If a workout causes optimal micro tearing but the body isn’t supplied with sufficient nutrition or rest, little to no muscle growth will occur, and injury will usually occur.

While many guys think a burning sensation in their muscles is indicative of an intense, (growth of muscle) workout, it’s actually not an indicator of an optimum workout. The so call burn is usually an infusion of lactic acid in the muscle, which is produced as a muscle burns its energy stores.

Muscle pump is worthless in terms of muscle growth. The pump you feel when training is a result of blood being trapped in the muscles, and while it’s a good psychological boost, it’s just not an indicator of future growth. High repetition workouts fail to sufficiently overload muscles to trigger growth, even though they deliver a (so called) pump.

Protein synthesis is the process by which individual cells construct proteins. It is related to the process by which cells replicate their genetic code. Enzymes in the cell's nucleus begin the process of protein synthesis by unwinding the needed section of DNA, so that RNA can be made. The RNA forms as a copy of one side of the DNA strand, and is sent out of the nucleus and into the cytoplasm near the outer edge of the cell, where it combines with a ribosome to bring together the different amino acids that form proteins. This combination of messenger RNA and a ribosome serves as the cell's work station for synthesizing protein.

The three different types of muscle tissue in your body is smooth, cardiac, and skeletal. Those you have no control over. Your heart is going to be made up of cardiac muscle tissue no matter how much you workout. It will never change to skeletal muscle tissue or smooth muscle tissue. But skeletal muscle itself is made of three different types of muscle fiber, Type I, Type IIA, and Type IIB. Most skeletal muscle groups are made up of a combination of all three types of fiber, but the amounts of each varies based on the function of the muscle, genetics, and exercise. These three types of fiber primarily differ in how they process oxygen and/or sugar for energy. The process determining the role each type of muscle fiber plays. When it comes to the development of these three types of fiber, you do have a lot of control over how you develop these muscles, which can change your genetic makeup.L.G.Fitness-Messiah. ‪#‎changeyourDNA‬‪#‎knowledgeISpower‬ ‪#‎MYtrainingDoesThis‬ ‪#‎thisIShowIcanbe43and23‬

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